7 Water-Rich Foods To Keep You Hydrated

7 Water-Rich Foods To Keep You Hydrated

Without water, many of our bodily functions are rendered compromised. Apart from regulating body temperature and removing waste from the body, water enables many of the channels through which substances like digested food and nutrients dissolve and diffuse around the body. We lose water everyday through physical activity, sweating, metabolism and even just breathing!

Many people have trouble getting the recommended 7-8 glasses a day, however, a lot of the water you need can come from the food you eat. Adding some of these water-rich foods to your diet can help stave off dehydration and keep you feeling refreshed.

1) Cucumbers

Cucumbers are another low calorie, water-rich fruit. A cup of cucumber has only 16 calories and is roughly 90% water. With a little shadon beni and garlic you can turn cucumber slices into an appetizing chow or shred it into a relish to go with a variety of local dishes.

2) The Five-Finger (star fruit)

The Carambola (locally called the Five-Finger) is native to tropical regions and popular in Southeast Asia. While reputable for its celestial shaped slices many are surprised to learn Five-Fingers are approximately 90% water (according to Health magazine). As a bonus, they also possess galactic levels of goodness—being rich in vitamin C and high in the same antioxidants found in red wine and dark chocolate. Perfect for boosting your immune system and your heart while you rehydrate!

3) Fish Broth

Most local soups involve reducing the stock until its thick as chowder. Fish Broths, on the other hand, are known for being light and smooth due to their higher water content than other traditional Trini soups. Packed with a medley of vegetables and well-marinated fish, this soup is one of the few main course dishes that boast complex carbs, protein and coincidentally lots of water!

4) Oatmeal

The benefits of oats have been a staple in the rhetoric of healthy eating for ages! Anyone can tell you that oatmeal is high in fiber, mineral-rich and supports good cholesterol, but not many associate oatmeal with hydration. When boiled oats expand and absorb the water or milk you cook them in. A hearty serving of oats for breakfast can keep you full and help you get in that extra serving of water.

5) Watermelon

Any list of hydrating foods would be remiss without Watermelon—it even has water in the name! Melons are some of the most hydrating natural foods in existence. They tend to consist so much water that very little of their volume can be dedicated to containing caloric material. This allows watermelon to fill you up without overloading you with calories. Beat the heat and replenish your body’s water reserves with a nice, chilled serving of watermelon.

6) Grapefruit

It’s common for these to act as globes for discussions of weight loss to revolve around, but did you know that grapefruits are some of the most water-rich citrus fruits? The average large grapefruit contains about a cup of water in the form of juice. They also pack an immune-boosting punch by supplying over 20% more vitamin C than is needed each day.

7) Yogurt Smoothies

These let you double down on nutrient and water intake. According to Healthline.com the average serving of plain yogurt is around 80% water and skimmed milk is around 90% water. Combining them in a smoothie makes for an efficient method of upping your water intake while ensuring every sip is filled with calcium, protein, vitamins and electrolytes. Perfect for replacing lost body fluids and recovering after strenuous activity. You can even make things more interesting by adding fruits and berries!

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